
Mental health, Webinars

A free webinar from IP Inclusive and Jonathan’s Voice

Thursday 11 November 2021
12.30 – 1.30 pm


Movember is an opportunity to focus on men’s health. Mental health and suicide risk are a big part of that. We know that male suicide rates are disproportionately high, and that the stigma surrounding mental health problems can be greater for men, making the topic harder for people to talk about when they’re struggling.

This event, hosted by IP Inclusive’s mental health first aiders’ network in collaboration with Jonathan’s Voice, explored why that might be and what can be done to help. It was chaired by Jonathan’s Voice co-founder Graham McCartney.

Speaker Susie Bennett is a researcher at the Suicidal Behaviour Research Laboratory, University of Glasgow. She talked about the work she’s doing to understand what causes suicidal feelings and behaviours in men and how to address them.

We also heard from Penny Aspinall, a consultant workplace trainer who works with Jonathan’s Voice. Penny shared what she had learned about men’s mental health through her experience as a counsellor.

The webinar was open to all UK-based IP professionals, whatever their role or career level and whatever type of organisation they worked in.


Follow-up resources

You can access a recording of the webinar here. Penny Aspinall has also kindly shared her slides, which you can download here.



This event was free. So are all our resources. We think it’s important to keep IP Inclusive the right side of the paywall.

That said, we do need money to keep the show on the road, so if you enjoyed the event please consider contributing to our 2021-22 fundraising campaign. For individual ad hoc donations, our crowdfunding page is here. Or for more information – including for corporate sponsors – visit our general fundraising page here.

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