
Regional events, Social

IP Inclusive and CIPA Informals
Summer Park Meet


Monday 23 August 2021 at 6 pm
King’s College, Cambridge



We held another of our regional IP Inclusive and CIPA Informals “park meets” in Cambridge on Monday 23 August. It was great to meet some new faces and bond over some similar trainee/pandemic experiences!

We’re hoping to host another event in Cambridge in a few weeks’ time so please keep an eye out for more details. If you’d like to be added to the Cambridge mailing list, please contact Lindsay Pike of the Informals, via [email protected].


There’s more…

The IP Inclusive communities and regional networks, alongside the Informals, would like to organise similar “park meets” in other regions. Please visit this post for a list of the ones scheduled so far, or just keep an eye on our website Events page.

And if you’d like to get involved with a park meet near you and there isn’t one arranged already, please get in touch (by emailing Kathryn Taylor), letting us know where you’re based and what days of the week/times would suit you best. It’s a great opportunity to connect with other IP folk!

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Awesome. I Have It.