Our annual update and planning event
with added excitement!
Wednesday 2 April 2025
2 – 5 pm
Please join us for our 2025 annual meeting and help us celebrate IP Inclusive’s first ten years!
Panel discussion:
Why do diversity and inclusion still matter?
Because this meeting is a bit special, we’re including a panel discussion on an important, high-level topic. With experts from the IP sector and beyond, we’ll explore how businesses and the wider community are likely to view equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) as we move into the future. Will they still care? Will we still care? Will we have the resources to act on that? What challenges will we face – socially, economically, environmentally – that could make it harder for us to champion diversity? And what can we do to make sure the fight for EDI isn’t subsumed by other conflicting factors?
These are existential questions that IP Inclusive can’t afford to shy away from as we look towards our next ten years. So we feel it’s important to give airtime to a conversation that all our supporters can be part of.
World Autism Awareness Day
It just so happens that 2 April 2025 is World Autism Awareness Day. We’ll be making extra sure that our discussions embrace the impact of future EDI initiatives on neurodiverse professionals and clients.
Where and when?
As in 2024, this year’s annual meeting will be hybrid in format, kindly hosted by A & O Shearman both at their London office in Bishopsgate and online.
Please join us in-person if you can, as there will be plenty of networking opportunities including a drinks-and-nibbles reception after the meeting ends. This year we’re running it in the afternoon, which we hope will be easier for people travelling from outside London.
Our programme
We’ll confirm the exact programme nearer the time, but in addition to the panel discussion, this informal meeting will include:
- Updates from our communities, networks, Careers in Ideas task force and other working groups;
- A sneak preview of our 2025 Impact Report;
- A chance to hear from our management team and Advisory Board; and
- A discussion about what the next ten years should look like for IP Inclusive.
There will be some informal group discussions (breakout rooms online) so that everyone has a chance to be heard, as well as an opportunity for audience Q&A with the panellists. Please bring along your suggestions and feedback!
The IPIM Annual General Meeting
Our annual meeting incorporates the formal AGM for our governing body IP Inclusive Management (IPIM). But we’ll keep that part short. We’re not much into bureaucracy.
Who’s invited?
Everyone who works in or with the UK’s IP sector is welcome. It doesn’t matter what type of organisation or department you work in, what role you play there or how senior you are, we’d love you to get involved!
This event is free. So are all our resources. That said, we do need money to keep the show on the road, so if you enjoy the event please consider choosing a voluntary donation ticket or clicking Donate now! For more information visit our fundraising page.
If you have any specific access requirements, please let us know when you register or by emailing [email protected]; we’ll do what we can to help.