
IP Ability, Regional events, Remote access meeting, Social, Women in IP

Women in IP coffee dates
Thursday 6 May 2021
12 noon


The May 2021 Women in IP coffee date was a link-up with IP Ability. It was held at 12 noon on Thursday 6 May 2021, with the local hosts listed below. All UK-based IP professionals were welcome, regardless of gender.


Discussion themes

The IP Ability committee proposed the following questions to help shape our discussions this time.

  1. Please review the following images then consider, what does disability look like?





  1. Do you think a disabled person experiences their impairment as a constant or do you think it might vary (throughout the day, year, a lifetime)?
  2. What do you think we (as employers, colleagues and friends) can do to be better allies to disabled people?

We’ll soon be posting the outcomes from these fascinating discussions: keep an eye on our News and Features page.


Venues and hosts

Women in IP would like to say a huge thank you to our seven regional event hosts:

Cambridge – Sarah Abou-Shehada (

London – Isobel Barry ([email protected])

Midlands – Claire O’Brien (Claire.O’[email protected])

North of England – Kate Cruse ([email protected])

Scotland – Margaret Hastie ([email protected])

South-West England – Megan Jefferies ([email protected])

Special guest event in association with Women in IP: Dublin – Marie Walsh ([email protected])

If you’re interested in hosting one of the next coffee dates (Tuesday 29 June 2021, 8.30 am) – whether for a new region or one that’s already covered – please contact the organisers [email protected] and [email protected].


Read about our previous coffee dates…

You can see a write-up of our March 2021 event here: Coffee and Quick Wins

And a write-up of our January event here: Bringing your whole self to work, with IP Out

Upcoming Events

Awesome. I Have It.