
In line with our 2021 plans for restructuring IP Inclusive, we’ve reconstituted our governing body IP Inclusive Management (IPIM).

Previously, IPIM members were professional representative bodies within the IP sector, including the four founding organisations CIPA, CITMA, FICPI-UK and IP Federation. In an IPIM meeting held on 7 June 2021, these organisations stepped down in favour of new individual members, who adopted a fresh constitution that had been agreed beforehand by both previous and new IPIM members. These individuals will together govern IP Inclusive from now on, with the help of an advisory board which they will be setting up in the next couple of months.

We want to stress that IP Inclusive’s core objectives will not change. Nor will its day-to-day operations. We will continue to run on a not-for-profit basis, acting in the interests of all UK-based IP professionals and those who want to become one.


Previous IPIM members

The outgoing members of IPIM were:

  • CIPA (represented by Sheila Wallace)
  • CITMA (represented by Mark Foreman and Richard Goddard)
  • FICPI-UK (represented by Liz Dawson)
  • IP Federation (represented by Julie Browne)
  • The IP Bar Association, represented by Michael Silverleaf QC and James St Ville

They were assisted by the Chief Executives of CIPA and CITMA (Lee Davies and Keven Bader), who served in an advisory capacity; by Ben Buchanan, representing the UK Intellectual Property Office, who acted for IPIM as an observer, “critical friend” and non-executive chair; and its Secretary Julia Florence, a former CIPA representative.


New IPIM members

The new members appointed on 7 June 2021, who join IPIM in an individual capacity, are:

  • Andrea Brewster
  • Julia Florence (Secretary)
  • Gordon Harris
  • Michael Silverleaf QC (Chair)
  • James St Ville

Andrea Brewster will continue to act as IP Inclusive’s Lead Executive Officer, her work overseen and supported by IPIM as a whole.



The new team would like to thank the outgoing members, and the individuals who’ve represented them over the last few years. They have made a huge and invaluable contribution to IP Inclusive’s development, steering it towards its current more independent model from which it can face the future with confidence and strength. They have provided advice, support and also funding for the Lead Executive Officer role. Their “light-touch” approach to governance has allowed volunteers to continue doing what they do best, unhampered yet supported.

IP Inclusive will continue to work in partnership with them, and will value their input into the new advisory board which is being established to help steer IPIM’s future work.


Recruiting new IPIM and advisory board members

IPIM membership is open to all UK-based IP professionals, no matter what role they play in the IP sector or what their career level, including people who previously worked in IP but no longer practise there (for example due to retirement). “UK-based” here means people whose IP-related work is or was carried out principally within the UK or who work(ed) for organisations having a UK base.

We’re still recruiting for members. We’re also seeking volunteers to join the new advisory board. To find out more about these two roles, and access the application forms, please visit this page.

The application closing date is midnight on Wednesday 30 June 2021.


Further information

You can find more information about IPIM here, and about IP Inclusive’s general 2021 plans – including the latest structural changes – here. IPIM’s new constitution, adopted on 7 June 2021, is here. The minutes of the 7 June meeting are available here.

If you’d like to help support IPIM’s work, please visit our fundraising page.



Page published on 14th June 2021
Page last modified on 25th June 2021

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