
Join us at AIPLA’s Global Networking Event! On Thursday 4th May 2017, the Women in IP network of IP Inclusive will be participating in the AIPLA Women In IP Law Committee’s Global Networking Event in Glasgow, Manchester and London.  Join us, along with other cities across Europe, to catch-up with fellow IP professionals and to hear from speakers on fascinating topics around women in innovation.

The events will be held in the late afternoon and evening on Thursday 4th May, and are kindly being hosted by some of the IP Inclusive Charter signatories.  Please register early as places are limited.

Glasgow: Join us for wine, nibbles and networking as we discuss plans for and progress towards the Unified Patents Court (UPC).  This event is being hosted by Murgitroyd.  To register, or for more information, please email Lauris Kemp.  Please note, this event is for women only.

Manchester: Gather in Manchester, birthplace of the Industrial Revolution and now GrapheneCity, at Mewburn Ellis LLP’s office to celebrate innovation and inclusion.  Over cheeses, wine and mocktails we’ll discuss the role women play in innovation, both by celebrating notable figures from our history and by looking to the future and our role in it.  To register, or for more information, please email Sarah Brearley.  Please note, this event is for women only.

LondonGill Jennings & Every LLP invite you to meet at the Urban Innovation Centre, Clerkenwell for cocktails and canapés and to hear from speakers who work to encourage young women into the scientific professions and to support investment in innovative start-ups with a diverse leadership.  If you would like more information, or would like to know how to register, please email Lucy Samuels.  Please note, this event is open to women and men.

We look forward to seeing you there,

The Women In IP Committee

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