
Today’s blog article has kindly been provided by Hannah Fish, head of Carpmaels & Ransford’s marketing and business development team.  Carpmaels & Ransford are one of our Charter signatories.

Hannah writes:

On 19th September, groups of IP professionals gathered at twelve locations around the country to hear about Imposter Syndrome and the practical steps which can be taken to tackle it.Prior to the event, the term imposter syndrome, which was coined in 1978, was not one I’d heard. However, the symptoms are all too familiar; a feeling that I was going to be found out, a lack of confidence in my own convictions and an inability to articulate and contribute my ideas, to name just a few.

Many attendees at the London event I attended, admitted to feelings of fraud in one way or another. Some could pinpoint a particular moment in their career when this happened, others found that it was manifested as gnawing doubt. But in all cases, it was comforting to discover that however these feelings appear, they are not uncommon.

After introducing the topic, Jo Maughan who presented the session, facilitated a method of tackling self-doubt known as positive anchoring, and also provided some practical tips on what can be done to support those around us who might be experiencing the symptoms of imposter syndrome.

The session provided an opportunity to share experiences and thoughts that had not necessarily been voiced and aimed to offer reassurance and practical tips to counter the feelings of imposter syndrome.

For those who were unable to attend a copy of the slides and a recording of the webinar is available here.

Thank you Hannah for writing this article.  For tips on how to deal with imposter syndrome, see Mark Richardson’s write-up of the event here.  (Mark is a Partner at Keltie LLP).  

If you would like to write a blog article for IP Inclusive, on anything diversity related, please email Emily Teesdale of Abel & Imray. Guest bloggers are always very welcome!   ​

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