

IP Inclusive news

The IP Ability committee are keen to spread the word about their work, and about the importance of inclusivity for disabled people and carers in the IP professions. It all helps to get conversations going and remove some of the stigma around disability. That in turn helps us become more confident about the way we support disabled colleagues and employees, as well as carers. Perhaps even more importantly, it makes it easier for disabled people and carers to speak up about the support and adjustments they need in order to make the contributions they know they are capable of.

Committee members have provided the following articles and interviews in IP sector publications:

We are grateful to these publications for helping us to promote the great work that IP Ability are doing. We hope it empowers more people to get involved in the campaign for change.

There’s also no shortage of IP Ability contributions in IP Inclusive’s own publications, for example:

You may also be interested in the July and September 2020 interviews we recorded with IP Ability committee members Jonathan Andrews and Chris Clarke, on the topic of “Allies & Intersectionality”. Plus there’s an excellent series of recordings by the IP Inclusive North of England network answering questions from diversity allies, several of which relate to supporting disabled people: these “Ask Me Anything” resources can be found here.

If you can help us with future publicity, please contact IPAbility [email protected].



Page published on 8th March 2020
Page last modified on 31st March 2022

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