The grand finale to #ipinclusiveweek 2019: a survey to help make the IP sector more disability-confident.
This IP Inclusive Week, we launched our fifth networking and support community, IP Ability. It aims to provide support and encouragement for disabled people, carers, their allies and their employers, and also to raise awareness and understanding of disability within the IP professions.
IP Ability would like to begin its work by getting a better idea of current levels of support in the IP sector for disabled people and carers. It would like to know how much awareness and understanding there is, among both employers and employees, about suitable workplace adjustments; whether people feel comfortable asking for support; and generally how “disability-confident” our organisations are. This information will be used to help shape IP Ability’s 2020 plans, allowing the committee to target support and awareness-raising to the areas where they’re most needed.
Please take a few minutes to complete their survey. It’s completely anonymous and you’ll be able to skip any questions you prefer not to answer. There are also plenty of comment boxes, as we appreciate that often people’s circumstances – and the support they need – are less than straightforward. Any information you can provide will be helpful.
This survey is open toΒ all IP professionals, whatever their role and career level. Importantly, it’s just as much for people whoΒ don’t have disabilities or caring responsibilities as for those who do: this will give us valuable information about the extent of any problems that the survey identifies.
Click here, or on the thumbnail image above, to begin the survey.
Interested in getting involved with the committee, or providing suggestions for the support you’d like it to provide? Please email [email protected]; we’d love to hear from you.