
What does it mean to be an “ally”? We talked about this in some depth at our 17 January event on “Allies, advocates, and supporters”. And afterwards, we handed out IP Inclusive Ally badges (thank you to EIP for sponsoring those) and postcards to remind us of what allies can do to support the cause.

The idea behind the postcard is this: put it up over your office nameplate or somewhere else obvious, so that your colleagues know that you are an IP Inclusive Ally – a friend, a sympathetic ear, but also an advocate and champion.

Here’s what the postcard says:

Be visible: be public about the importance of equality

Be vocal: saying “equality at work matters” positively affects your colleagues and workplace

Be active: attend events, spread the word, reach out, set up a network if you can

Don’t be a bystander: challenge unacceptable behaviour. Be mindful. Remember, not all banter is harmless


There’s nothing difficult or scary about these four basic calls to action. Take them on board, and become an IP Inclusive Ally now!

If you’d like to sponsor more pin badges and postcards for your colleagues, please contact us.


Page published on 21st January 2019
Page last modified on 28th March 2019
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