
IP Inclusive has responded to IPReg’s consultation on its 2022 business plan, budget and practising fees.

IPReg (the IP Regulation Board) regulates patent and trade mark attorneys registered in the UK. As such its activities impact on a significant section of the UK IP professions. It has provided support for IP Inclusive and works with us to improve equality, diversity and inclusion in its regulated community.

The IP Inclusive response is broadly supportive of IPReg’s proposed business plan and budget and their incorporation of both funding for diversity-enhancing initiatives and plans to improve access to the patent and trade mark professions. We welcome the equality impact assessment that IPReg conducted to inform its decision on the 2022 practising fees. We offer additional comments and evidence regarding the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on certain groups, in particular disabled people and carers. Based on that evidence, we make suggestions relating to the scope of the practising fee waiver, which IPReg propose to extend into 2022.

In response to IPReg’s proposal not to conduct a diversity survey next year, we put forward a case for repeating the survey annually in order to provide a sound and up-to-date basis for future equality impact assessments, especially in this time of significant commercial change.

As usual IP Inclusive offers to continue to work with IPReg to progress its diversity- and access-related initiatives.

You can access our full submissions here.



Page published on 1st October 2021
Page last modified on 1st October 2021

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