

Page published on 13th November 2024
Page last modified on 10th December 2024


The IP Inclusive logo with the words "EDI Starter Pack" above it

We’re thrilled to launch an EDI “Starter Pack” for new recruits to the IP professions. It’s something we promised in our 2023-25 business plan and we’re excited now to have produced this with input from key stakeholders.

We hope the pack will be helpful for new starters in IP sector jobs and help us to spread the word about IP Inclusive.

The pack, which is in two parts, can be found in the Resources section of the IP Inclusive website or downloaded by clicking on the image above. Part 1 is a general introduction to EDI, IP Inclusive and how to get involved. Part 2 is more specifically about allyship. The idea is that it could be included as two separate modules in, say, an induction programme, or posted on a company intranet. Whilst the pack was produced with new recruits in mind, it’s also a great introduction to EDI and allyship for others who may be less knowledgeable or confident on these topics.

Please share the pack with all your new recruits, not just this year but as a regular part of your onboarding programme. Please also make it available to all staff on your company intranet.


New video content

Part 1 includes a short video that our summer intern, Jessica Anderson, produced by collating quotes from IP Inclusive supporters. It includes sections on ‘Volunteering with IP Inclusive’, ‘IP Inclusive’s Impact’, ‘Why is EDI Important?’ and ‘Getting Involved’. The video is also available on the Resources section of the IP Inclusive website, together with extracts in the form of four punchier video clips.



We have provided the Starter Pack in PDF format and as PowerPoint presentations, including features such as Alt-text and reading order to make them accessible to people using screen readers. We have also produced small file size, black and white versions which are recommended for people using screen readers. These versions will also be easier to access on old devices or in areas with poor connectivity. Cutting down on digital traffic is also good for the environment.


A living document

We intend the Starter Pack to be a ‘living document’ so that we will be able to incorporate changes as required in the future, particularly in response to users’ feedback. So please do get in touch with your feedback as you start to make use of the pack.

We’re grateful to our supporters for all their contributions thus far, both in terms of the valuable input and feedback which has directed this project and in connection with the video.


Further information

Find out more about IP Inclusive’s events, resources, communities, regional networks or other initiatives on the IP Inclusive website.

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Get involved with IP Inclusive or Careers in Ideas by emailing us: [email protected] or [email protected]. We’d love to hear from you, whether with questions, offers of help or suggestions for future activities.

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