Page published on 26th October 2023
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“The event… was engaging and insightful and inspired me further to work hard and pursue a career in IP.”
– Lucy Brown, Summer of IP alumnus
During the summer of 2023 our Careers in Ideas team coordinated a programme of outreach activities and events, under the Summer of IP banner. They included introductions to the basics about IP and the careers available here, some more specific events to showcase particular types of career, and opportunities such as taster sessions and work experience placements from IP sector employers.
We asked participants to tell us about their Summer of IP experiences, what they learnt and what they enjoyed the most. We’re publishing the resultant blog posts on our website News and Features page throughout the autumn. In this one Lucy Brown, an LLM student at Newcastle University, tells us how an event about IP solicitor and barrister careers inspired her longer-term career choices.
Lucy writes:
In July 2023, I attended IP Inclusive’s online event, “Routes to Legal Qualification for IP Solicitors and Barristers”, hosted by excellent legal professionals, some from Mishcon de Reya LLP. Intellectual property law is not a module I had studied in my undergraduate law degree at Newcastle University, and I knew I wanted to learn more about it.
The session was extremely insightful and provided me with useful knowledge about the world of IP. What stood out particularly were the examples of cases that IP lawyers have encountered, such as underwear advertisements and their potentially objectifying impact on women, or the suggestions of potential legal action for upcoming social media like “Threads.” This area of law is not something I had previously thought about, but this session solidified that IP is the field I would love to pursue a legal career in.
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