Page published on 5th December 2023
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“Everyone I encountered was approachable and friendly, fostering an environment where everyone felt ‘reachable’.”
– Xiaoying (Grace) Tang, Summer of IP alumnus
During the summer of 2023 our Careers in Ideas team coordinated a programme of outreach activities and events, under the Summer of IP banner. They included introductions to the basics about IP and the careers available here, some more specific events to showcase particular types of career, and opportunities such as taster sessions and work experience placements from IP sector employers.
We asked participants to tell us about their Summer of IP experiences, what they learnt and what they enjoyed the most. We’re publishing the resultant blog posts on our website News and Features page throughout the autumn. In this one, Xiaoying (Grace) Tang writes about a taster day she attended as part of the programme. Xiaoying is currently studying for a PhD in physics in the optoelectronics group at the University of Cambridge. She concludes that “Participating in the Summer of IP event undeniably encouraged me to pursue a career in intellectual property.”
Xiaoying writes:
I first learned about Reddie & Grose’s taster day through IP Inclusive, an initiative I deeply appreciate for its commitment to equality, diversity and inclusiveness (ED&I) in the intellectual property profession. It is a topic that has resonated with me since I began my academic journey abroad in the UK to study physics. I have been pleased to witness the growing awareness paving towards my dream career as a patent attorney, given its strong ties to STEM disciplines.
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