
National Inclusion Week runs from 27 September to 3 October 2021 and is a time – for employers and employees alike – to think about the inclusivity of our workplaces. Not that that shouldn’t be happening all the time, and especially during this difficult period as we emerge from the Covid-19 restrictions, but it helps to have something to focus on.

The campaign is organised by Inclusive Employers, a membership organisation established to help employers create inclusive workplaces. In a blog post here, available on their website, they tell us more about #NationalInclusionWeek 2021, its theme this year of #UnitedForInclusion and how you can get involved. There will be free resources and events to inspire inclusion in your workplace before, during and after the week itself. Please do take a look well beforehand, and make use of this tremendous opportunity to improve inclusivity for your teams!


About Inclusive Employers

Established in 2011, Inclusive Employers provide a membership organisation for employers who are committed to prioritising inclusion and creating truly inclusive workplaces – workplaces where all employees are valued and contribute towards the success of their organisation.

They’ve created the resources and networks to support their members in developing an inclusive culture. You can read their membership brochure here; if you need to access it in a different format please contact Inclusive Employers directly.

Membership with Inclusive Employers gives you access to expert inclusion and diversity support from established leaders in the field. Every organisation has unique inclusion and diversity challenges, so they deliver tailored, action-focused support. Their members currently include over 200 of the UK’s largest organisations.


Member benefits

Membership benefits listed on the Inclusive Employers website include:

  • Expert inclusion and diversity advice on tap from a dedicated account manager
  • 240+ hours learning per year, for your team, via their webinar programme
  • Full access to a comprehensive and expanding library of practical inclusion and diversity resources
  • An “in house” training session or half-day of specialist consultancy
  • Discounts on accredited Inclusion and Diversity Qualifications and the Inclusive Employers Standard company accreditation
  • Weekly members’ newsletter “Everyday Inclusion”
  • Access to their Members Desk for research queries and the ability to canvas other members with a question or problem
  • Opportunities to network with other member organisations via their community, Members United, and to participate in major projects


Get in touch

You can contact Inclusive Employers via [email protected].



Page published on 25th June 2021
Page last modified on 25th June 2021
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