
​What’s behind IP Inclusive Week?  What exactly is it all about?  Well, primarily it’s about you, our supporters.  But we want it to achieve certain things:
  • To raise awareness of IP Inclusive and its work
  • To start conversations on diversity and inclusion (D&I)
  • To begin to make changes (however small) in D&I levels and practices throughout our supporter base
  • To give our EDI Charter signatories a concrete way to get involved, particularly those who were wondering how to start
  • To foster a sense of community among the people and organisations who are interested in improving D&I in the IP professions
  • To gain new supporters and widen our reach

Importantly, although we’ll be organising some events of our own, the main focus of IP Inclusive Week will be on what our supporters are doing.  It’s an opportunity to bring people together, to get them talking about D&I, and to generate publicity that helps to raise awareness and spread best practices.  It’s a time for sharing.  And a time for celebrating.

We’ll shortly be posting some suggestions for specific things you could do in your own organisation, but we’d also welcome your own ideas.  Start planning now, and let us know what’s in the pipeline.  Remember you don’t have to achieve great things in IP Inclusive Week itself; what’s important is that you make a start, a commitment, that you can build on throughout the coming year.

Please help us to make IP Inclusive Week a success.  It’s a fantastic PR opportunity for everyone who takes part – a chance to show your staff, clients and suppliers how much you care about this important topical issue, and to build your networks and influence.  So please post things on your own website and social media feeds, tagging #ipinclusiveweek, and link through to this blog page to help us reach as many people as possible.

​Above all, it’s a time to get everyone talking about diversity and inclusion.  And you could make a whole load of friends doing that…

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