IP Inclusive’s senior leaders’ think tank is delighted to announce the launch of a new “Senior Leaders’ Pledge”. Its aim is to help senior professionals provide visible and active leadership on improving diversity and inclusion (D&I) in their organisations.
The new pledge has already been signed by senior representatives from AA Thornton, Abel + Imray, Appleyard Lees, Beck Greener, Boult Wade Tennant, D Young & Co, EIP, Haseltine Lake Kempner, HGF, Kilburn & Strode, Mathys & Squire, Mewburn Ellis, Murgitroyd, Page White and Farrer, Potter Clarkson, Swindell & Pearson, TLIP and W P Thompson, as well as by the Chief Executives of the patent and trade mark professionals’ representative bodies CIPA and CITMA.
The Leaders’ Pledge consists of eight high-level commitments, shown below. Alongside each of these, a signatory commits to one or more practical steps they will take to fulfil their pledge.
These steps can be tailored to suit the size, structure and resources of the individual business and how far it is already along its D&I journey. What matters most is that they are publicised, both internally and externally, to demonstrate that D&I will not be a box-ticking exercise, will not be consigned to silos within the organisation, but will be championed at the highest levels.
The initial signatories to the pledge are listed below and include individuals from a range of patent and trade mark firms. You can read their personal commitments by following the links in their names. We expect other individuals in leadership roles to be signing up over the coming months and their organisations will be publicising this in their individual D&I comms.
The “think tank” that created the pledge consists of senior leaders from private sector IP practices, who recognise the key role they can play in improving diversity and inclusion in their particular section of the IP professions. We hope to make the pledge more widely available, to all IP Inclusive Charter signatories, soon – and will encourage senior leaders throughout the IP sector to consider signing up or adopting something similar to suit their own organisations.
The full pledge, with ideas for its implementation, can be downloaded here.
The IP Inclusive Senior Leaders’ Pledge

I commit to:
1. Providing visible and proactive leadership to improve D&I in my organisation
2. Taking D&I seriously at the highest level
3. Embedding and valuing D&I throughout the organisational culture
4. Building trust and safe spaces throughout the organisation
5. Educating myself and my colleagues about D&I issues
6. Sharing my privileges
7. Insisting on equity
8. Working closely with HR and/or management colleagues to achieve this
Founding signatories
As at its launch on 29 July 2021, the following people have signed up to the Senior Leaders’ Pledge.
- Andrew Argyle, Group General Counsel, Potter Clarkson
- Keven Bader, Chief Executive, The Chartered Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys (CITMA)
- Colin Baker, Partner, Potter Clarkson
- Chris Benson, Group Head & Partner, HGF
- Andrew Birkin, Head of Formalities, Potter Clarkson
- Dan Byrne, Partner, AA Thornton
- Hsu Min Chung, Board Member, Office Head & Partner, HGF
- Richard Clegg, Board Member & Managing Partner, Mewburn Ellis
- Zöe Clyde-Watson, Partner & Diversity Officer, D Young & Co
- Cath Coombes, Director, Patents, Murgitroyd
- Sarah Darby, Partner, AA Thornton
- Lee Davies, Chief Executive, The Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys (CIPA)
- Caroline Day, Partner, Haseltine Lake Kempner
- Sue Falconbridge, Secretarial & Paralegal Manager, Potter Clarkson
- Martyn Fish, CEO & Partner, HGF
- Susi Fish, Partner and D&I Lead, Boult Wade Tennant
- Stuart Forrest, Partner, W P Thompson
- Alex Frost, Managing Partner, Boult Wade Tennant
- David Gill, Partner, W P Thompson
- Maria Hall, Board Member & Chief Marketing & Business Development Officer, Mewburn Ellis
- Magnus Hallin, Chief Executive Officer, EIP
- Shaun Harvey, Board Member & Chief Financial Operating Officer, Mewburn Ellis
- Sara Holland, Senior Associate, Potter Clarkson
- Pippa Hothersall, Senior Associate, Potter Clarkson
- Geoff Hussey, Lead Partner for IP Litigation & Legal, AA Thornton
- Harry Hutchinson, Board Member & Partner, HGF
- Sean Jauss, Board Member & Partner, Mewburn Ellis
- Mike Jennings, Partner, AA Thornton
- Catherine Jewell, Partner & Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Officer, Beck Greener
- Lucy Johnson, Group Head & Office Head, HGF
- Richard Johnson, Board Member & Chairperson, Mewburn Ellis
- Saiful Khan, Partner, Potter Clarkson
- Simon Kiddle, Board Member & Partner, Mewburn Ellis
- Alexander Korenberg, Partner, Kilburn & Strode
- Matt Lawman, Executive Member, EIP
- Andrew Little, Chief Operating Officer, Boult Wade Tennant
- David Louis, National Head of Trade Mark Formalities, HGF
- Jason Lumber, Chair, HGF
- Paul Lynch, Director, TLIP
- Alan MacDougall, Partner, Mathys & Squire
- Nick McLeish, Senior Partner, Boult Wade Tennant
- Jim Miller, Partner, Kilburn & Strode
- Graeme Moore, Board Member & Partner, Mewburn Ellis
- Kate O’Rourke, Board Member & Partner, Mewburn Ellis
- Jim Pearson, Senior Partner, Abel + Imray
- Stephanie Pilkington, Partner & Board Member, Potter Clarkson
- Marianne Privett, Partner, AA Thornton
- Andy Raynor, Non-Executive Chairman, Potter Clarkson
- Simon Rees, Partner & Global Head of Client Services, Haseltine Lake Kempner
- David Roberts, Partner, Page White and Farrer
- Gwilym Roberts, Chair, Kilburn & Strode
- Estelle Senior, Professional Standards Director, HGF
- Steve Smith, Managing Partner & Board Member, Potter Clarkson
- Bobby Smithson, Partner, Appleyard Lees
- Matt Spencer, Partner and D&I Lead, Boult Wade Tennant
- Vanessa Stainthorpe, Board Member & Partner, HGF
- Rolf Stein, Chief Executive, Haseltine Lake Kempner
- Martin Stiven, Director of Marketing & Business Development, Potter Clarkson
- James Stones, Partner, Beck Greener
- Steven Suèr, Director, Patents, Murgitroyd
- Martin Terry, IP Director, Swindell & Pearson
- Russell Thom, Regional Head, Patents UK & Ireland, Murgitroyd
- Philip Thomas, Partner & Board Member, Potter Clarkson
- Alex Turnbull, Director, TLIP
- Jennifer Uno, Office Head & Partner, HGF
- Vivien Verbrugge, Office Head & Partner, HGF
- Jane Wainwright, Partner, Potter Clarkson
- Carol Watkiss, HR Director & Partner, HGF
- Jeremy Webster, Board Member & Partner, Mewburn Ellis
- Jacqui Weston, Marketing Director, HGF
- Sally Whittle, Partner, HGF
- Gary Wilson, Board Member, Office Head & Partner, HGF
- Markus Zoller, Partner, HGF
We hope soon to create a dedicated website page with an up-to-date list of pledge signatories.
[Note: this is now available here.]
Background information
The IP Inclusive senior leaders’ think tank is a joint project between IP Inclusive, CIPA and CITMA, established in November 2020. It is led by our Lead Executive Officer Andrea Brewster and Gwilym Roberts of Kilburn & Strode. You can read more about its initial meeting and its objectives here.
Page published on 29th July 2021
Page last modified on 5th August 2021