
The Institute of Business Ethics, in conjunction with Grant Thornton, have just launched their “Culture Indicators Board Briefing – understanding corporate behaviour”.  One of the overwhelming messages from their research is that there needs to be proper scrutiny of behaviour at every level in an organisation.The support which IP Inclusive are offering to help create truly respectful working environments within the IP sector, is a real step ahead of many organisations and we commend the work that you are all doing!

From our recent event on Managing Inappropriate Behaviour at Work with IP Inclusive, we have created a set of practical guidelines which we hope will be a useful starting point for discussion and action within your organisations.  You can download a presentation on our guidelines for managing and preventing inappropriate behaviour, as well as a list of useful resources for building inclusive workplaces.

And do call us (01903 732 782) or email with any questions you have about these guidelines or to discuss a specific need around tackling behavioural issues or creating an inclusive working environment.   Tracy Powley, Catherine Hamilton, Stella Chandler
Focal Point Training and Consultancy

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