

Features, Opinions


Page published on 11th March 2024
Page last modified on 11th March 2024


From November 2023 until end of January 2024 we circulated a survey asking for feedback from our supporters about what people wanted from events outside of London: where would they travel to?; what time would suit them?; what would draw them to attend an event?; what would put them off attending?

Here is a summary of the results of that survey:


Summary of Regional Events Survey


Manchester and Bristol/Bath were the most popular locations people would travel to for an event, with Birmingham, Sheffield and Cambridge tying for third place in popularity.

Timing seems to be a major concern in whether people would attend, but there was no consensus about when is the most convenient. Whilst Wednesday evenings were the most popular, it would be best to provide events at a range of times to accommodate more people’s lifestyles. Seminars or panel discussions with an interesting speaker or relevant subject were the most popular type of event.

We plan to use this feedback to drive a series of in-person events in partnership with our regional networks around the country during the next 12 months. We’ve already shared the results of this survey with our regional networks, so if you expressed an interest in joining a network or hosting an event, they will be in touch soon! These events will also tie in with our focus this year on Allyship and we hope to involve our communities too. We’ll aim for a range of locations and timings, and we’ll always try and make the learning parts of our events hybrid, or at least record and share them to improve accessibility.

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