
Here’s a report from Jennifer Unsworth of Vault IP, who leads our Midlands network, about their virtual coffee morning to mark Mental Health Awareness Week.

Jen writes:

To mark Mental Health Awareness Week 2020, the Midlands regional network of IP Inclusive hosted a virtual coffee morning to discuss the theme for the week: kindness.

Thirteen IP professionals from across the region (and further afield) came together for a lively and heart-warming discussion about what kindness meant to them. Selected screenshots below.


Lots of examples of kindness between family members, friends, colleagues and strangers were shared. It was also acknowledged that although the past few weeks have presented us with many challenges, regardless of our personal circumstances, there have been moments where the kindness of others, or the act of doing something kind for others, has brought happiness.

My personal highlights from the many examples of kindness include:

  • colleagues being encouraged to take holiday and be kind to themselves;
  • the sharing of Easter eggs with a local primary school and neighbours;
  • a stranger collecting medicine from a pharmacy on behalf of someone who is shielding (even though that meant queuing for more than an hour);
  • unexpected deliveries of flowers, food, wine and other treats; and
  • a firm using their budget for catering for external meetings to work with the caterers to provide meals for homeless people.

It was clear to me that small gestures had really made a big difference and that the enforced slowing of our pace of life has given us more time to think of other people, reach out and talk to each other.

The need to support each other in these positive ways is likely to remain for some time as we move forward beyond the Covid-19 pandemic. As perfectly summarised by Andrea Brewster in her recent article, kindness is for life not just for Covid!



Page published on 22nd May 2020
Page last modified on 17th March 2023
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