IP Inclusive Charter signatory Appleyard Lees has decided to hold an event, during IP Inclusive Week, to tackle the recruitment challenges faced by the IP professions. Many organisations struggle to attract enough of the right kinds of people, so working together as a profession may prove more fruitful than the efforts of individual firms and departments.
Entitled “Broadening your recruitment horizons”, Appleyard Lees will be hosting this event in its Leeds office – another great initiative as we need to make sure that everyone in the IP professions, not just in London, is able to get involved with IP Inclusive.
The round-table meeting, of HR managers and senior recruiters, will explore how to grow the pool of talent we recruit from, potential barriers to entry, and how to broaden our approach to recruiting to allow us access to more and better people. It will also showcase IP Inclusive’s Careers in Ideas campaign and discuss how to make more of the outreach resources available there.
The aim is to create a simple action plan, with practical strategies to help participants – and others within the IP Inclusive community – to bring in the next generation of IP professionals.
In this niche sector, we will be stronger if we collaborate to raise diversity levels both within, and at the point of entry to, our profession. Holding an event like this, which brings IP organisations together and promises concrete and practical outcomes, is an excellent way to mark IP Inclusive Week.
We would encourage all of our Charter signatories to consider something similar: it’s a networking opportunity, a chance to share ideas and experiences, and above all, the catalyst for positive change for all of us. To find out more about the Appleyard Lees event, visit the event registration page here.