
For Careers in Ideas Week (16-22 November 2020), we’ve been running a series of posts featuring relevant charities and community interest groups. All of these have an interest in promoting social mobility as well as, in many cases, other forms of diversity. They can help you identify opportunities to give back to the community whilst also improving diversity within the IP sector. And they can help ensure that the support you provide reaches the right people, in the right way.

This post – the last in Careers in Ideas Week itself – features the charity In2scienceUK, which promotes social mobility and diversity in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) careers. In2scienceUK have worked with IP Inclusive on a number of projects and have already partnered with IP sector firms (see here and here for more about their work with the IP professions). Below we hear from their Development Officer Luke McKelvey about how you can get involved too.

You can access a full Careers in Ideas directory of outreach organisations here, and read more about the listed organisations on our Careers in Ideas Week page.

Luke writes:

Promote diversity in IP with In2scienceUK

In2scienceUK is proud to be a featured charity for IP Inclusive’s Careers in Ideas Week.

In2scienceUK helps young people from low-income backgrounds to gain the essential experience, skills, and confidence they need to reach their potential and progress to STEM degrees and careers. The young people that take part in the In2scienceUK programme are from disadvantaged backgrounds and are recipients of free school meals.

The In2scienceUK programme aims to provide these young people with a better future by allowing them to take part in high-quality work placements, undertake real research with STEM professionals and benefit from supportive role models. As part of the programme partner organisations provide young people with essential skills and insights into their sector by delivering careers workshops and mentoring sessions.


In2scienceUK’s impact

This year, despite the Covid-19 pandemic, our programme was a huge success, with nearly 600 young people being supported, 62% of whom were female and 77% from black and ethnic minority (BAME) backgrounds. These young people are progressing on to degrees and careers in engineering and technology.

In response to the Covid-19 outbreak we moved our programme online and implemented virtual STEM lectures, skills days and mentoring sessions. Every young person received a resource pack and personal support to allow them to continue their education and progress regardless of the lack of educational provision to young people during this time.

The In2scienceUK programme is hugely impactful with 83% of participants being accepted into higher education and 56% enrolling into top universities, as concluded independently by UCAS. This can be compared to the national average for young people who are recipients of free school meals, which stands at just 11% being accepted into top universities.


The IP sector’s contribution to diversity

Over the last twelve months, the IP sector has contributed significantly to In2scienceUK and our mission to support young people that need support. We are hugely grateful to our IP partners including HGF, D Young & Co and The IP Federation. Furthermore, we are excited to announce that the IP department of GSK will also be supporting five young people through the In2scienceUK Programme in 2021.

Every year thousands of young people apply to take part in the In2scienceUK programme and sadly we are unable to support all of them. However, with your help, we can increase the number of young people from low income backgrounds supported each year. Please take a look at the In2scienceUK IP Scholars Programme 2021 proposal and get involved today.

The IP sector holds great potential for young people passionate about STEM degrees and careers. Together we can be part of something greater and inspire the next generation. We would like to thank IP Inclusive for selecting us as a featured charity for Careers in ideas Week and value every one of our IP partners.


For more information…

…visit the In2scienceUK website, or email Luke at [email protected].







Page published on 20th November 2020
Page last modified on 20th November 2020
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