
Our 3 September 2020 event, “D&I data gathering: making it count”, yielded a number of resources. We hope they will be of use to IP sector organisations that are looking to gather and use their own diversity data.

The first part of the event was a panel discussion on the pros and cons of, best practices for, and legal issues surrounding, diversity data collection. The second part explored, through facilitated breakout discussions, what we should expect of both IP Inclusive and its individual Charter signatories in terms of future D&I data gathering: the outcomes from those discussions will guide IP Inclusive’s future work.

The resources available from the meeting are:

The breakout discussions supported the idea of IP Inclusive gathering sector-wide diversity data. We will therefore:

    • repeat our November 2019 benchmarking survey at the same time this year;
    • re-design it where feasible to take account of the suggestions that emerged from the discussions; and
    • ensure its results shape the work we do in 2021.

In line with delegates’ views, we will not for the time being require our Charter signatories to gather their own D&I data, but we will strongly encourage them to do so. We will also do what we can to support their data gathering efforts, and make the most of our positioning in the sector to inspire and promulgate best practices.

We believe that these outcomes complement those from our 29 July 2020 round table on BAME representation levels, which emphasised the importance of obtaining and monitoring appropriate diversity metrics.



Page published on 15th September 2020
Page last modified on 8th February 2023

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