
The UK IPO has supported (and been actively involved in) IP Inclusive since the group was formed in early 2015, and is a signatory of the IP Inclusive Charter for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.  Like all our Charter signatories, the UK IPO is committed to creating a diverse, equal and inclusive workplace, and we were pleased to learn about the UK IPO’s progress so far via an intern’s recent blog post.

Sophia, an intern at the IPO, has blogged about her experience and her discovery that workplaces really can be disability-friendly, welcoming, and inclusive.  She notes that the IPO offers flexible working and flexitime as part of their inclusivity initiatives, and her positive experience at the IPO has given her the confidence to enter the world of work after she graduates.  You can read her blog post and more about the IPO’s diversity and inclusion work here.

We would love to hear what the other 70 Charter signatories are doing to improve diversity, equality and inclusion: please email us if you have a story to share!

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