
Workplace “banter” can affect so many of us during our careers. IP Inclusive partners Focal Point Training have embarked on a survey to explore how it affects our mental health and the conversations we have about it. They’ve shared this report about the purpose of the survey, and asked for your help please in completing it. Please take a few minutes to add your voice: you can access the survey here and it’ll be open until 19 November 2021.

Focal Point write:

Focal Point Training and the Chartered Institute of Securities and Investment CISI (the professional body for the financial services sector) have teamed up to create a survey to find out more about the impact banter has on us about how we feel at work and whether we are able to speak up about how we feel.

In the month when the Movember movement (see is urging us all – but particularly men – to “Go beyond banter”,Β this seems a particularly urgent question.

They comment: “Being a man of more words isn’t about dialling up the banter. It’s about carving out space for meaningful chats about the bigger stuff in life.” *

And organisations have a vital role to play here. How many of us – and particularly men – would open up and talk more, were it not for the culture of “banter” that so often prevails at work? How many would keep quiet, rather than risk being laughed at or made the centre of the joke?

Our survey will help shine a light on this important topic – and, critically, help us identify and share what organisations can do about it. Your views will really help us understand more.

This survey is completely anonymous and confidential. It takes about 10-12 minutes to complete and will be open until 19 November 2021.

The outcomes will be published by CISI and Focal Point and we hope will lead to a greater understanding of this issue and give us valuable insights to work with.

Please click here to start the survey, and do please share the link widely with your network.

Thank you so much for helping with such an important area of mental health!

The Focal Point Training logo

* Movember have a range of resources to help support men who may be struggling, such as their “Movember conversations”: see



Page published on 8th November 2021
Page last modified on 8th November 2021

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