
We’re delighted to announce that we’ve released our first ever impact report for 2021-22. You can check it out hereΒ and read more about all the great things we’ve been up to over the past year.

You can also watch a presentation of the highlights in this video.

The impact report looks back at the period between June 2021 and May 2022 and reflects on everything that IP Inclusive has achieved during this time. This was the first year of our independence from the founding organisations, so it felt like a particularly important time to evaluate our progress and assess whether we’re achieving our aim of promoting equality, diversity, inclusion and wellbeing within the UK’s IP professions.



To assess our impact, we looked at two key areas. Firstly, we reflected on everything that IP Inclusive has accomplished: free training and awareness-raising events; support for people in under-represented groups; online content to share best practices; and measures to improve upstream diversity.

Secondly, we conducted two surveys in February 2022 to understand our stakeholders’ views about IP Inclusive. One survey was for our EDI Charter signatories and the other was for individual IP professionals. We asked for people’s opinions on whether IP Inclusive is having a positive effect on EDI within their organisations and on the UK IP professions more generally. Overall, both sets of results were extremely positive, and the feedback will form a key part of our 2022-23 plans.

Throughout our impact report you’ll see examples of specific projects we’ve been involved with, the progress we’re making and the great impact we’re having. Together, we think these position us well to continue to provide value for the IP professions of the future.

We hope you enjoy reading IP Inclusive’s first ever impact report. We hope you’ll agree it’s been a fantastic twelve months and we look forward to your continuing support – because without our many generous volunteers, none of this would have been possible.






Page published on 1st July 2022
Page last modified on 1st July 2022

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