
Like many people, we have been shocked and saddened by the recent murder of George Floyd, but heartened by the public response. We believe it’s important that allies defend and champion people who are subjected to racism or any other form of discrimination: the role of allies is vital to IP Inclusive’s efforts to improve equality, diversity and inclusion in its own sector.

All five of our networking and support communities stand together in condemning racism, and we will continue our drive to ensure the IP professions are safe and welcoming for everyone. Our BAME community IP & ME is doing great work but we want them to know we are all alongside.


This from IP Ability, our community for disabled people and carers:

IP Ability stands for equality and respectΒ for all. Racism and any form of racial discrimination, stereotyping, bias and intolerance cannot be allowed to persist. We have to recognise it, eradicate it and remedy it. Whatever our skin colour, whatever our background, we all have a duty to speak up and push back against the insidious tide of racism, which inflicts pain and harm on people all around us on a daily basis. We cannot look on and do nothing. We must stamp our feet and raise our fists and voices in solidarity. To all of our black and minority ethnic network members, friends, family and colleagues – and competitors, rivals, acquaintances and passers-by: we see you and we stand beside you. It is time for injustice and ignorance to end. #BlackLivesMatter.


And from IP Futures, our community for early-career IP professionals:

IP Futures stands in solidarity with the BAME community in the fight against racism and oppression.

This is not a political issue, but a human rights issue, and it is vital that we all reflect on the actions we must take to tackle discrimination, as individuals, firms, businesses and communities.

As part of our work, we will continue to explore ways to promote and improve racial diversity and accessibility at the early career stage of the IP professions, to facilitate change in the wider community.


And this from IP Out, our community for LGBT+ IP professionals and their allies:

IP Out stands with our friends and colleagues in IP & ME and all victims of racism, be it individual or systemic. The events of the past few days and weeks have been a distressing reminder of all the work that remains to be done to make this country, and others, fair and equal. Although we may never understand another’s situation fully, we can help to shoulder their burden and progress their work as allies. We are with you.


From our Women in IP community:

We have been saddened, though not surprised, by recent events. Inequality, discrimination and harassment are still rife and we have much to do to ensure that future generations are treated with the respect that they deserve, regardless of race, gender, sexuality or any other aspect of their individuality. The role of allies is more important now than ever: silence and complicity should never be an option when we witness someone being treated unfairly.

We will continue to work with IP & ME and the wider IP Inclusive community to ensure that our sector is accessible, inclusive and fair.


And a personal comment from Susi Fish, co-lead of our Women in IP committee, about the things we can do to help drive positive change:

I have been thinking how I can best educate myself and my children about racism and discrimination. I truly believe that racism has no place in our society, and am aware that I should not rely on people of different ethnicities to myself to inform/educate me, that is something I should be doing myself. As a starting point I am committing to reading relevant books, starting with Biased by Jennifer Eberhardt and then moving on to other books found on these lists – UKΒ andΒ USA.Β I will also be opening up discussions more with my children as and when appropriate – for example, when my 9-year-old daughter, after hearing the news on the radio, asked me “what is racism Mummy?” – that was a good, and natural, starting point for a discussion.



Page published on 9th June 2020
Page last modified on 10th June 2020

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