


We’d like to pass on to our supporters a message sent to us by Elizabeth Rimmer, Chief Executive of LawCare. It’s a great summary of the work that the charity’s been doing to enhance its support for the legal community during the coronavirus outbreak. Our thanks to the LawCare staff who’ve been working so hard to make this happen, and who continue to be there to answer cries for help from individual legal professionals.

Elizabeth wrote:


We have created a new section on our website with useful resources including signposting to all the professional bodies’ and regulators’ coronavirus information pages. We will be adding new content to this regularly.

Information resources

We are putting out new resources each week based on the issues we are seeing raised by those turning to us for support. We have new resources on working from home, managing anxiety and dealing with difficult clients; these are on our website and have been promoted on social media. We have blogs and new resources in the pipeline for the next six weeks. Our current dropbox of resources is here andΒ is also being updated on a regular basis.


We are regularly contributing to webinars and podcasts being organised by others [see for instance the IP Inclusive webinars here and here], and where possible we will be adding these to our website. We ran two webinars last week on “supporting employee wellbeing during the pandemic” and here is a link to a webinar we contributed to on managing mental health when working from home. We will be running a “managing mental health during coronavirus”’ webinar at the end of April and are planning Β a series of webinars/podcasts from May onwards.

Support contacts

We had our first contact for support about coronavirus on 10 March 2020; contacts about this have increased and now account for half of all our support contacts. Key issues emerging so far are staff being expected to come into work despite government advice, anxiety about working from home and worries about the future. We are reviewing these weekly.


Please can you signpost your members to LawCare from your coronavirus pages and in relevant communications/social media. We know this is an extremely worrying time and that over the coming weeks and months we will have more people in need of support as the longer term impact of this starts to take hold.



Page published on 8th April 2020
Page last modified on 8th April 2020
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