The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and Invent Together have joined forces to raise awareness about the IP diversity gap across regions. Initially, this effort will focus on the gender gap, but wider investigations will follow. A meeting is planned for 31 May to hear from companies and technology transfer offices (TTOs) with experience of tackling the IP gender gap. The project leaders would be interested to hear from potential participants: see below. They’ve kindly provided this guest post to tell us more.
They write:
In October 2021, the partners organised a series of virtual discussions to: first, talk about why the diversity gap exists; second, identify emerging best practices to collect and analyse relevant data; and, third, examine success stories for addressing the IP diversity gap at the organisational level. These discussions featured senior government officials including from IP offices (see this video), chief economists from IP offices and scholars (see this video), and leaders from the private sector and university TTOs (in a private discussion). These October meetings focused on the Americas region.
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