

Haseltine Lake (@HaseltineLake):
Haseltine Lake are proud to be supporting #IPInclusive Week. The aim of the week is to encourage IP firms to make steps, however small, to improve #diversity and #inclusion in the workplace.
A picture from HGF‘s London office discussions on unconscious bias, courtesy of Emma Longland (@emma_longland):
…and a reply from Andrea Brewster (@andreabrewster3):
Good to see things like accent and “attractiveness” included here. Not protected characteristics but definitely influence the way we feel about people.
Heart of the City (@HOTC_UK):
We were really pleased to contribute to
@IPInclusive for #IPInclusiveWeek – find out how our 2019 programme can help your business be a #ForceForGood 
[Guest blog post here]
Becky Knott (@Becky_Knott_IP):
#IPInclusiveWeek! Let’s celebrate #diversity together and raise #awareness. Thank you @IPInclusive for all the work you do
Jim Pearson (@ipjim):
Can’t promise to be as colourfully dressed tomorrow but we made an effort to mark #ipinclusiveweek in @abelimray ‘s Bath office today…

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