
2019: a year for new things


…Take a look at our 2019 Annual Report and read about our many achievements during another action-packed year. Thank you to everyone who was involved.

Please also join us at our 2020 annual meeting on 21 January, to help us plan the next twelve months’ projects and priorities. All IP professionals are welcome (including those who work with them for example in business support roles). If you can’t make the meeting, but have ideas about what IP Inclusive could do in 2020, please get in touch. Even better if you’d like to help out in any way.

There’s so much to look forward to as we start the new decade…!

(PS. If you haven’t time to read the whole report, here’s a copy of the ForewordΒ by our Lead Executive Officer Andrea Brewster, which summarises the main highlights of 2019.)

Page published on 14th January 2020
Page last modified on 14th January 2020

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