
We’ve been hearing from some of our Charter signatories and supporters, about the things they have planned for IP Inclusive Week 2019. There are some great ideas.

What do you have planned? Please email us, or tag us in your tweets (@IPInclusive) or LinkedIn posts. The whole point of #ipinclusiveweek is to share and celebrate, and to get as many people as possible involved in the campaign for greater diversity and inclusion in IP.

So here’s what we’ve heard about so far:

Haseltine Lake Kempner are entering into the spirit of #ipinclusiveweek by celebrating the multi-cultural diversity of their people. They’ll be holding a FOOD-FEST in each of their offices and inviting all staff to join in. If they want to, people can contribute with a dish or beverage which represents their own cultural heritage.

Meanwhile the IPO are staging two events on Wednesday 13 November, to which other IP Inclusive supporters are welcome. One will look at gender among patent inventors, and will hear from Pauline Beck, author of the updated gender inventor report “Gender Profiles in Worldwide Patenting: An analysis of female inventorship (2019 edition)”. The other is cleverly linked to Inter Faith Week, which coincides with #ipinclusiveweek, and will explore the shared principles and values that frame our everyday lives, with panellists sharing the stories of their beliefs, from Christianity to veganism, and working in the IP Industry.

Find out how to register here, or read more about both events in the IPO’s guest blog post here.

The IP Federation have told us they’ll be including a discussion about social mobility in their monthly Council meeting, which is just before #ipinclusiveweek on 8 November. With their centenary coming up in 2020, they’ll be exploring ways to improve accessibility to the IP professions, and opportunities to work with IP Inclusive on relevant projects. This builds nicely on the work we’ve been doing in 2019 in the same area. IP Federation have kindly invited our Lead Executive Officer, Andrea Brewster, to join their November meeting.



Page published on 28th October 2019
Page last modified on 4th November 2019
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We have set up an Inclusivity and Welfare Working Group to garner, consider and action ideas on these issues from across the firm. It will work well alongside our initiatives on mental health. We invited volunteers for the group from across the firm, and we were overwhelmed by the response from attorneys, IP solicitors, senior management and staff. We randomly selected 8 from the volunteers and have made it clear that we will refresh the group after a year with some changes. We have encouraged everyone to pass on ideas to the group, and the outcomes from the group will be shared firm-wide. The inaugural meeting will take place on Friday 15 November - we chose this week to mark IP Inclusive week.

Andrew Argyle

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