

Page published on 29th March 2023
Page last modified on 29th March 2023


Here’s an update from the award-winning social mobility and outreach charity In2scienceUK. We’ve been working with the charity for several years now, through our Careers in Ideas campaign, and have been delighted to see them forging valuable relationships with IP sector employers.

Their update celebrates over four highly impactful years of their collaboration with IP Inclusive and the wider IP community.


About In2scienceUK

The In2scienceUK logoIn2scienceUK is a charity that supports young people from low-income backgrounds to gain the essential experience they need to reach their potential and progress to science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) degrees and careers. The In2scienceUK programme provides these young people with a better future by allowing them to take part in high-quality work placements, undertake real research with STEM professionals and benefit from supportive role models. The young people supported by In2scienceUK are from low income backgrounds and are recipients of free school meals, an indicator of childhood poverty in the UK.

In2scienceUK is focused on conducting in-depth impact evaluations of STEM-focused outcomes gained by programme participants. Through taking part in the in2scienceUK programme, 87% of respondents reported feeling more confident after completing a two-week work placement with STEM professionals. Furthermore, 86% of students reported that the programme made them more sure of their career aspirations. To view the full In2scienceUK Impact Report for 2022, click here.


In2scienceUK and IP Inclusive

IP Inclusive’s Careers in Ideas campaign brings professionals together across the IP sector through high quality careers engagement initiatives. In2scienceUK recently supported IP Inclusive in a shared webinar and podcast, in collaboration with CIPA, which focused on enhancing diversity in the patent profession. IP Inclusive has enabled In2scienceUK to extend its positive outreach to young people and work with a range of IP firms.

In2scienceUK’s Business Development Manager Luke McKelvey commented:

“We are delighted to collaborate with IP Inclusive; it is crucial that we work with organisations like this. Since 2019 our valued IP sponsors have supported over 120 young people to access bespoke STEM work placements, positive role models and career support. It has been my pleasure to work with IP firms and industry regulatory organisations that share our core values and are committed to supporting more young people to access high quality further education and career opportunities.”


IP organisations championing ED&I

Photo of a scientist and a student from a minority ethnic background (both female) smiling together in a labSince 2019 IP sponsors have enabled young people from low-income backgrounds to gain insights into careers in IP and further education. Last year In2scienceUK was able to help over 50 young people from low-income backgrounds thanks to our valuedย  IP partners. As a charity, we rely on the support of our partners to expand our programme and reach more young people across the UK. In2scienceUK would like to thank the IP sector for its continued support and contribution to greater inclusion.


To find out how your organisation can get involved and help support the next generation of talented young people, please read In2scienceUK’s 2023 IP Scholars Proposal.

You can also find out more about the charity from our earlier “News and Features” updates such as this one. Orย visit their website at or write directly to Luke at [email protected].


Photo of Luke McKelvey

Luke McKelvey, In2scienceUK



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