

At our 17 January event on “Allies, Advocates and Supporters”, we handed out these beautiful IP Inclusive Ally pin badges. Kindly sponsored by EIP, the badges were hugely popular among event delegates. We hope people continue to wear them with pride, and to explain their significance to colleagues, clients and friends.

If you’d like to sponsor more of the badges, we can organise that through the original supplier. Abel & Imray have already ordered some, with a proportion being for their own team members and the rest for us to distribute at future IP Inclusive events. It’s an arrangement that suits us well, helping us to spread the word more widely about IP Inclusive. Please get in touch if you’d like to do something similar.

Alongside the badges, our January delegates were also given the postcard shown on the left, setting out the key roles of a diversity and inclusion “ally”. The idea is that you display the postcard at your desk so that your colleagues know you’re an IP Inclusive ally – as well as to remind you of the commitment that involves.

The “Allies, Advocates and Supporters” panel discussion was a joint project between all three of our communities: IP & ME, IP Out and Women in IP. We hope to run something similar later this year, ideally in a webinar format so as to bring more people on board as IP Inclusive allies.



Page published on 12th March 2019
Page last modified on 11th February 2020

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