Stuart Baran, barrister at
Three New Square, provided probing but sensitive questioning. In response, David Stone gave informative insights from his very interesting life, while fully observing the code of judicial conduct. He had begun his career in Australia and then moved to England, and characteristically of his generation his experiences are informed by being the first generation following decriminalisation of homosexuality on the one hand, while facing the AIDS crisis on the other. David described the challenges of his very senior position of being Global Head of IP at
Allen & Overy, which in itself involves juggling client work, administration, and supervision – then fitting around that the part time but still demanding role of being a Deputy High Court Judge. He highlighted that the Judicial Appointments Commission system opened up for the first time the possibility for many people who were not already senior barristers to seek judicial appointment at a senior level.
Both David and Stuart kindly stayed for the informal drinks and networking where the discussions continued.

A packed room…

Left-right: Stephen Ingham, David Stone, Natasha Rao

Busy networking
Page published on 29th January 2020
Page last modified on 4th May 2023