
Today, 10 October, is World Mental Health Day.

To mark the occasion, this week we are hosting an event with Jonathan’s Voice as part of our series Inclusivity Unlocked! We will be exploring how to support junior team members’ mental health in the post-Covid workplace.

Keep reading this blog post to find out how to sign up to the event as well as some tips from the Mental Health Foundation about how to improve your general mental wellbeing.


What is World Mental Health Day?

World Mental Health Day takes place on 10 October every year. This year’s theme is making mental health and wellbeing a global priority for all. The purpose of the day is to raise awareness of the mental health issues which exist in the world and to help drive the global effort to tackle them.


Why does it matter?

Mental health impacts everyone! Mental health should be thought of in the same way as physical health. Like physical health, our mental health is on a continuum; we can think of it as a sliding scale. On the one end is poor mental health and the other is good. At any point, we can be anywhere on the scale and face issues surrounding our mental health.

As such, World Mental Health Day is a good opportunity to open discussions on mental health and highlight the importance of looking after our own. The more conversations we have on mental health, the more we can help to break the stigma surrounding it.


Mental Health Foundation tips to improve your mental wellbeing

For World Mental Health Day, the Mental Health Foundation have shared, on their Twitter account, some top tips on how we can look after our own mental wellbeing: see They suggestย the following:

  • Keep moving โ€“ exercise releases endorphins and helps to reduce feelings such as anger.
  • Get closer to nature โ€“ almost 50% of people in the UK told the Mental Health Foundation that being in green spaces helped them to cope during the pandemic.
  • Become curious and be open-minded about new experiences โ€“ you could consider trying a new hobby.
  • Be kind โ€“ this helps us cope better with stress, connects us to others, and makes us feel more capable within ourselves.

The Mental Health Foundation also has its very own mental health guide which explores some of these tips in more detail as well as looking at some others. You can read the full guide here:


Our event: “What’s for starters?”

Photo of green vegetables and a bowl of vegetable soupThis Thursday (13 October 2022), we are hosting our own event with Jonathan’s Voice to mark World Mental Health Day. In it, we’ll be looking at how to support junior team members’ mental health in the post-pandemic workplace. In particular, we will be reflecting on the results of our recent mental health survey in order to understand the current issues and challenges for early-career IP professionals. This will help shape our discussions on how best to support new starters and trainees in all roles.

The event will include a panel discussion and following Q&A session. The panel will share their experiences of working arrangements post-Covid and their ideas for supporting junior team members through these changing times.ย You can sign up to the event here.

We hope you can make it!



Page published on 10th October 2022
Page last modified on 10th October 2022
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