The IP Inclusive taskforce held its third annual round-table meeting on 7th February. Following updates from the four working groups on their 2016 achievements, we set our objectives for 2017.
2017 plans
Our key theme for this year will be the business case for diversity and inclusion. We will build this into our training events and outreach activities, so as to raise awareness, spark discussion and improve buy-in from decision makers in the IP professions. If you have any stories or thoughts to share on this, we’d love to hear from you: see for example our recent blog post on the topic.
During 2017 we hope to:
- Complete and launch the new Careers in Ideas website, and begin in earnest to disseminate our materials to students and careers advisers. Look out for a launch event, hopefully in May, and associated discussions around social mobility.
- Continue to develop a community of IP Inclusive Charter signatories and increase our engagement with their EDI officers.
- Provide more training and awareness-raising around unconscious bias, including support for those who go on to train other team members.
- Organise ongoing programmes of social, networking and training events through our Women in IP and IP Out networks.
- Canvass interest for, and if appropriate set up, a BAME support network.
- Host other events, including:
- A seminar on recruitment best practices;
- Discussion events on the theme of mental well-being, focused around Mental Health Awareness Week (8-14 May); and
- A reception for Charter signatories and other IP Inclusive participants, probably in October, to include progress updates and talks on the business case for diversity.
Formal issues
We will also be convening a “steering committee”, with representatives from the key membership bodies, to establish a more formal structure for IP Inclusive. The committee will be responsible for finance, liability and reporting, and will oversee and co-ordinate, although with as light a touch as possible, work carried out under the IP Inclusive banner. This should facilitate clearer decision making and communications, and reassure our sponsors.
We will also be convening a “steering committee”, with representatives from the key membership bodies, to establish a more formal structure for IP Inclusive. The committee will be responsible for finance, liability and reporting, and will oversee and co-ordinate, although with as light a touch as possible, work carried out under the IP Inclusive banner. This should facilitate clearer decision making and communications, and reassure our sponsors.
How you can get involved
Here’s how you can help us achieve our 2017 goals:
Here’s how you can help us achieve our 2017 goals:
- Come to the launch of our Careers in Ideas website; add your organisation to its directory of IP recruiters; help us to disseminate our careers resources as widely as possible, by taking them with you whenever you visit schools, universities and careers fairs, and showing them to relevant contacts.
- Help us record more careers videos, to tell potential recruits about all types of IP-related jobs.
- Spread the word about our EDI Charter; publicise your own involvement, for instance on social media; include the Charter logo on your website, letterhead and business cards.
- Contribute blogs, stories, tweets, information, discussion topics, useful resources or contacts, template policies, whatever you’re willing to share with others in the IP Inclusive community.
- Let us know if you’re able to host and/or organise an IP Inclusive event – big or small, anywhere in the country – or provide speakers. We’re especially keen to hear of people who can talk knowledgeably, engagingly and ideally free of charge about unconscious bias.
- Look out for our events and join us whenever you can: you’re always welcome!