
At our annual meeting on 23 March 2021, we presented plans for IP Inclusive’s development in 2021 and beyond. Those plans outlined our vision for IP Inclusive’s future, and how we intended to restructure it to realise that vision. They explained the principles that guided us, along with a summary of the key things we hope to change and the benefits they will bring.

You can download the plans here.

We would welcome feedback – from UK-based IP professionals; the organisations that they work in, or that represent or regulate them; the people they work for; and anyone else who has an interest in diversity and inclusion in the UK’s IP sector. We will take that feedback into account when putting the plans into effect. If you’d like to comment, please email [email protected].

We’re now busy working on the follow-up. We’ll be re-drafting the constitution for IP Inclusive Management (IPIM) and setting up a new advisory board to guide and support it. We’ll be asking for volunteers to join both IPIM and the advisory board. And we’ll be publishing our 2021-22 business plan and budget, alongside a request for donations to help us keep IP Inclusive on the road for the next twelve months. Keep an eye on our News and Features page – and on our dedicated “To Diversity and Beyond” page – for more information.



Page published on 14th April 2021
Page last modified on 14th April 2021

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