
We are excited to announce our next nationwide Women in IP event, which will be taking place on Thursday 23rd March 2017, from 08:30.

The breakfast event is being hosted by a number of IP firms at venues in London, Bristol, Glasgow, Manchester, Bath and Cambridge. Join us for a coffee and a chance to meet other IP professionals before watching our webinar on gender inclusivity.  The event is open to all, not just women. If you work in IP or the IP-related professions (e.g. attorneys, paralegals, legal secretaries, technology transfer specialists, in-house IP teams, trainee IP attorneys, solicitors, barristers, technical translators, IP journalists, etc.), please join us!

The “How to be a Workplace Ally” webinar will be led by:

  • Andrea Brewster, co-founding former partner of Greaves Brewster, leader of the IP Inclusive taskforce and CIPA Immediate Past President; along with
  • Lesley Evans CEO of Haseltine Lake and Team Leader of the Charter Outreach Group for IP Inclusive.

If you’ve signed-up to the Women in IP mailing list, you should have an invitation to the event in your inbox.  In any case, if you would like to attend the event, please let us know by completing this form.

The programme for the event is as follows:

08.30-09.00am      Networking breakfast
09.00-09.40am      Webinar
09.40-10.00am      Coffee and networking
Company commitment to gender diversity is at an all-time high, but women are still often falling behind in the workplace.  Using research and insight recently published by, along with their own wealth of experience, Andrea and Lesley will discuss what we can all do to challenge the stereotypes and unconscious bias that can hold women back.  Whilst focusing on supporting your female colleagues, the message will resonate more widely: together we can work to ensure that we are fostering fair and inclusive working environments.

Can’t attend a venue?
If you are unable to attend one of the hosted venues but would still like to view the webinar remotely – then please register your interest using the blue button above so that we can send you the webinar details.

With thanks in advance to our generous host venues: Boult Wade Tennant, Carpmaels and Ransford, EIP, Haseltine Lake, Burness Paull, Mewburn Ellis, Norton Rose Fulbright, and Turnbull Lynch IP (TLIP).

We look forward to seeing you soon,
The Women In IP Committee

Comments: (1):


Hi, I believe the "How to be a Workplace Ally" is fully booked. Please send details of the webinar. Thank you Triona Desmond


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