
At our annual meeting in April 2022, many people asked us to help with post-lockdown working arrangements. Emerging from the pandemic gives an ideal opportunity to build new and better workplaces – but we need to make sure they’re fit for everyone.

…Which is why we’ve come up with “Inclusivity Unlocked!” Our intern Susan Nelson explains what it’s about.

You can access here an up-to-date programme of the events we have scheduled so far, plus links to recordings and reports from previous events. There’s also a compilation of top practical tips, distilled from those events, here.

Susan writes:

IP Inclusive is excited to announce that over the next few months we will be launching “Inclusivity Unlocked!” Under this banner, we will be hosting a programme of events and corresponding resources (which will include some quick top tips) surrounding workplace inclusivity post-Covid. Our aim is to provide practical advice and guidance around how workplaces and working arrangements can be made more inclusive for all.

Some specific themes we are hoping to focus on include hybrid working, mental wellbeing, and the impact of workplace inclusivity on under-represented groups. If there are any other topics that you would like us to cover then please let us know. Your insights are greatly valued. We’ll be launching a short survey about this soon. [Note: the survey is now open; visit this post for details.]

At one of our first events, we hope to include a discussion panel made up of representatives from our six communities. The panel will consider how they believe organisations can make workplaces and working arrangements more inclusive for specific groups of people, ensuring that no one gets left behind. More details to follow on our events page…

Workplace inclusivity is a theme that many of our stakeholders wanted us to explore. As the world emerges from the pandemic and we all adjust to the new normal, it is the perfect time to consider how we rebuild workplaces and reformulate working arrangements to make them even more inclusive.

One of the first events we hope to host will include representatives from each of our six communities. It will explore how under-represented groups have experienced the workplace and working arrangements post-Covid and any specific challenges they have faced. Also, it will be an opportunity for the panel to discuss how new working arrangements could be made more inclusive. These discussions will help us to determine the themes for our future events and what work needs to be done within this area. Once we have finalised the event details, we will share these on the IP Inclusive website.

Alongside this event, we will be conducting a short survey for UK-based IP professionals and Charter signatories to complete. This will provide an opportunity for respondents to tell us what specific topics they would like us to cover on workplace inclusivity and any advice that they would find particularly useful: see above.

We look forward to unlocking inclusivity with you in the post-Covid world!



Page published on 12th July 2022
Page last modified on 31st January 2023
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Comments: (1):


A great initiative - thank you! Please would you fix the link mentioned for the communities page above, as presently it goes straight to the IP&ME page, making the other communities trickier to find. Also, I would like to invite IPI to launch a community for senior/silver IP workers on 22 October 2022 - a few of us have already put out some feelers on this and I hope to publish an article on it before then. (The reason for the specific date will be revealed then! ) Accordingly, I would like to offer to run a session on this aspect as part of the Inclusivity Unlocked series - a practical approach to including older IP workers in our workforce, covering not only the inevitable approach to retirement but also recruiting and appointing/managing new but older workers to our organisations. Please let me know if this would be of interest and if you/anyone you know might be interested in joining the new community. Many thanks Julie

Julie Barrett

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