
Thank you for your input!

From the autumn of 2020 to the spring of 2021 we were consulting with our stakeholders about the development of IP Inclusive. As part of this, we ran a survey seeking the views of our Charter signatories and also of individual IP professionals: you can read our report of the results here. (The survey questions are here for the Charter signatories’ version and here for the individuals’ one.)

Based on the survey results, we created some more detailed plans for IP Inclusive’s future structure, activities and funding (see below). We discussed those plans at our 2021 annual meeting on 23 March.

Although the survey is now closed, we still welcome your views about IP Inclusive’s value to the IP professions and how you’d like to see it evolve. Whether as an individual IP professional or a representative of an IP sector organisation, and whether or not you’re involved in our EDI Charter scheme, feel free to send your input to [email protected]ย at any time.

Your feedback is always key to the decisions we take.

The 2021 plans

We wanted to put IP Inclusive onto a more sustainable footing for the future, to allow it to grow whilst maintaining the goodwill of its many supporters.

In order to do this, we decided to alter certain aspects of the initiative’s structure and funding mechanisms. Ultimately we would like to incorporate it as a “Community Interest Company” (CIC). That, however, would cost time and money that IP Inclusive doesn’t yet have. Instead, for the time being, we chose to introduce aspects of the CIC model without the expense of formal incorporation.

The plans we came up with can be downloaded here, or you can visit this post for more information and some of the immediate follow-up.

In line with those plans,ย IP Inclusive Management (IPIM) remains as the governing body, but now has greater independence and will be supported by a new “Advisory Board” to bring in a wider range of perspectives. To finance IP Inclusive from here on, and allow it to develop further, we will run an annual fundraising campaign seeking voluntary donations from all of our stakeholders, which we believe is more inclusive than a mandatory Charter signatory subscription scheme. We will invest a significant proportion of the money we raise in much-needed HR support so that our volunteers and Lead Executive Officer can achieve more in the time they commit. IP Inclusive will continue to operate for the benefit of the community it serves – the UK’s IP professions – and on a not-for-profit basis. You can read more about our fundraising here.

Underpinning the plans were some important principles, which have always guided IP Inclusive and which our stakeholder consultations reinforced:

  • Inclusivity
    • The benefits of, and involvement in, IP Inclusive should be accessible to all UK-based IP professionals, whether or not they or their organisations are formally connected through the Charter scheme.
    • Its events and resources should be free at the point of delivery.
    • There should be no hierarchy among its supporters and beneficiaries; involvement and benefits should not depend on the contributions made by particular individuals or organisations.
  • Trust
    • IP Inclusive’s supporters should be trusted to contribute what they can and what they feel is right, because of their belief in its cause.
  • Sound but proportionate governance
    • Stakeholders must be reassured and protected, but volunteers should not be unnecessarily hampered.
    • Bureaucracy should be kept to a minimum, so as to allow the available resources (both money and time) to be deployed towards the initiative’s key objectives.

For most of our supporters, the 2021 changes should have little impact on IP Inclusive’s day-to-day activities. The measures we brought in are intended to put us in a better position to develop, not to change the many good aspects of the way the initiative has evolved so far.

Our new Advisory Board

Photo of an owl's faceIn September 2021 we established a new Advisory Board to guide and support IPIM’s work. The Board has 26 members representing a range of IP sector roles, backgrounds and career levels, who we hope will bring fresh and diverse perspectives to IP Inclusive’s future plans.

Visitย this pageย to find out more about the Advisory Board and its work, and to meet its members.

If you’re interested in becoming a member of either the Advisory Board or IPIM in the future, please contact usย for more information.


Further information

We’ve published a business plan and budget for 2021-22, which incorporates IP Inclusive’s structural development in line with the 2021 plans. If you’d like to make a donation to help us put that business plan into effect, please visit our fundraising page.