There’s no paywall at IP Inclusive, not even a subscription for our Charter signatories. We don’t believe that would be inclusive. Instead our events and resources are free at the point of delivery, to everyone who works in our sector. IP Inclusive is and always has been a collaborative venture – by the professions, for the professions.
But it needs funding to continue at current activity levels. There’s so much more it could do, which IP Inclusive is uniquely positioned for because of its focus on, and reach throughout, the UK’s IP sector.
That’s why we ask all our supporters to give what they can, when they can, to keep the initiative going. If you value what it provides for your organisation and colleagues, and for the IP professions as a whole, please make a donation this year.
If your organisation would like to contribute, please contact us via for payment details. Our governing body IP Inclusive Management (IPIM) will issue an invoice/receipt so that everyone’s accounts are in order: just let us know who to address it to, where to send it and whether there’s any special wording you need us to use.
We suggest the amount depend on the nature and size of your organisation and what it gets out of IP Inclusive: between about £300 a year for the very smallest to £1,500-£2,000 for a medium-sized organisation to about £3,500 a year for a large private practice firm. Or you might prefer to set up a regular – say, annual – donation to simplify the admin; that’s fine too – as are larger donations to cover specific items.
2024-25 donors will feature on our Supporters and Partners page and our home page.
We welcome donations from individual IP professionals too.
Perhaps you personally have benefited from the changes IP Inclusive’s been making, from the friends and colleagues you’ve met at our events, from the answers you’ve found here on all sorts of issues, both professional and personal? Or perhaps you’re feeling generally philanthropic? Either way, if you can give even a small amount to help us continue, we’d really appreciate that. You can donate via our Just Giving page by clicking donate now below, or via the QR code if that is easier.
Do take a look at our 2023-25 business plan and our 2024-25 budget, to see how we plan to spend the money we raise. You may also be interested in our 2023 Annual Report, our 2022 Annual Report and our 2021-22 impact report, which showcase what we’ve achieved in the last couple of years. We hope you’ll agree that the donations we’ve received so far have gone to a very good cause.
Check out our 2023-25 business plan and 2024-25 budget to see how we'll spend the funds we raise this year. There's also more here about our recent annual reports and our 2021-22 impact report.
Please note that IP Inclusive Management (IPIM) is not a registered charity or community interest company. It is an unincorporated association that operates on a not-for-profit basis. Its objectives are to promote and improve equality, diversity, inclusivity and wellbeing in the UK’s IP professions, and it acts for the benefit of UK-based IP professionals, those they work with and those wishing to become one.
Payments received by IPIM are accepted as voluntary donations to the IP Inclusive cause. No products or services are provided in return. The association is not VAT-registered.
IPIM oversees all activities carried out under the IP Inclusive and Careers in Ideas banners and is responsible for the assets and liabilities which accrue as a result of those activities. You can find out more about it here.
You can also access IPIM’s financial reports and budgets in this post.